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Fairbury News staff

Winter food drive continues

By: Irene Wilken

With short days and colder weather, January is a challenging month for many.

It is also a financially challenging month for those with holiday bills to be paid, high heating bills, and trips to the doctor for colds and flu. For those in our community with financial burdens, the Fairbury Community Food Pantry is a reliable source of food security when needed most. However, our local food pantry needs our help, too, in order to stay well-stocked during the winter months.

Traci Hassett, founder and owner of Once ‘n Again, heard that food pantries get fewer donations in the winter and decided to take action to fix that. For the last 18 years, the annual Beat the Winter Blues Food Drive has helped both area shoppers and those in our community with their food needs. Through the end of January, you will receive a 20% off coupon for the day, which is applicable to most items in the store.

Qualifying items must be unopened and unexpired and include beef stew, chili, any meal in a can, peanut butter, soup (any flavor), meat in a can (any kind), wrapped bath tissue, laundry soap, shampoo, body wash, three-packs of bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and deodorant.

Any other food or necessity items not listed are accepted during the food drive, though they will not qualify for a coupon.

Bobbi McKeon, coordinator of the Specialty Shops, notes, “The Fairbury Community Food Pantry is one of several important organizations that make a vital difference in our community. I encourage everyone to support the food pantry, be it monetarily or by donating to the Beat the Winter Blues Food Drive.”

If you have a story, idea or suggestion, please let us know. Call 815-692-4500 or e-mail: You can also speak with Bobbi McKeon at Heart's Desire on Route 24 in Fairbury.

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