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Vaccine arrives in county

Fairbury News staff

John Adams, LCHD Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP)/ Communicable Disease (CD) Coordinator, drawing up the first COVID-19 vaccine in Livingston County

The first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine have arrived in Livingston County.

Doses arrived Wednesday and 54 eligible Livingston County residents received the vaccine at the Livingston County Health Department in Pontiac. The initial vaccine distribution phase known as 1A includes healthcare providers and long-term care facilities.

It is not known how long the county will remain in this phase as it depends on the quantity and frequency of vaccine deliveries along with the amount of eligible individuals who choose to be vaccinated when it is available.

A news release issued this week by the Livingston County Health Department indicates hospital system personnel, as well as most EMS, will be vaccinated through the hospital system while all others eligible for the vaccine and not affiliated with a hospital with coordinate with the LCHD. All long-term care facilities in the county have partnered with a pharmacy system such as Walgreens or CVS through a federal distribution program.

“We are very excited to begin the vaccination process in Livingston County,” said Jackie Dever, LCHD administrator. “We still have a long road ahead of us and it is essential the residents continue to be vigilant in taking action to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but arrival of the vaccine gives us hope for better days ahead.”

It remains unknown at this time how quickly the county will progress through the phases of vaccine distribution. As the county moves to Phase 1B, information and directions will be made available as to how to register for the vaccine once someone is eligible. Updates can be found at the website

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