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Council hears about 7th Street, PDC weekend

Fairbury News staff

Work on Fairbury's 7th Street is shown in early July.

Motorists will have to deal with some gravel in the construction area of south Seventh Street a bit longer, the Fairbury City Council learned Wednesday night.

Sewer Superintendent Brad Duncan noted the road is open following work for the sewer project, but the county wants more compaction before they cut across the road for repaving. The work may not occur until September, according to Duncan.

During police chief Robert McCormick’s report, the council heard about the recent Prairie Dirt Classic weekend in town. McCormick said there were not any major issues during that time.

“We didn’t have any problems or anything,” McCormick explained.

McCormick updated the group on the new police hires who are starting their first week at the academy. The department was able to re-issue uniforms and equipment for the officers. Another part-time officer is expected to start soon.

A brief update on the pool, which closes for the season Aug. 17, was given by Alderman Gary Norris and City Clerk Nancy Widlacki.

“Attendance has been great,” Widlacki said.

Pool concessions are running low but Widlacki said they don’t want to be stuck with extra food that won’t get eaten.

Alderman Steve Endres discussed a hole burnt in the screen of the Marsh Park enclosed pavilion. This was brought to his attention by a young man who knocked on his door recently. Endres suggested installing a home security camera in the enclosed structure. Mayor David Slagel said a bid will eventually be considered for an inside camera.

A vote to allow a park name sign to be erected at Veteran’s Memorial Park also passed on Wednesday night. This would be similar to the sign at Dominy Memorial Library. Jacob May came up with the idea for an Eagle Scout project and Dale Maley helped with graphics. This will be located by the park’s flags.

“Eagle Scouts are required to do a project,” noted Alderman Lynn Dameron.

The council approved the consent agenda which included minutes from July 17, the voucher invoice register listing the bills, treasurer’s cash report and check register.

Under new business, the Fairbury City Council:

-Authorized Brad Duncan and Logan Krippel to attend WEFTEC in Chicago during September with one night of hotel accommodations for $420 plus tax.

-Granted a request from Craig and Connie Crutcher to block Locust Street between Fourth and Fifth streets from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 15 for the fourth annual “Ride to Remember Memorial Ride.” They also requested a police escort from the VFW to First and Oak when the ride starts at 10:30 a.m.

-Officially hired Tyler Rafferty, Adam Schifferer and Andrew Mills as full-time police officers and David Turner and Graham Haley as part-time officers.

-Added Robert McCormick as a Visa card holder on the City of Fairbury credit card account.

-Allowed Mike Mellott and Bob Ziegenhorn to attend the 88th Illinois Potable Water Supply Operators Association Conference in Springfield September 11-13 in the amount of $450 for registration and $238 plus tax for the hotel.

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