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  • Fairbury News staff

City talks paid leave

The Fairbury City Council has approved an ordinance pertaining to the Illinois Paid Leave Act.

This act was signed by the governor last March which mandates even part-time and seasonal employees are offered paid time off, but the city believes it is in its best interest to define the paid leave benefits city employees shall receive. The ordinance says the state did not provide the necessary funding.

The city would still pay one day a year off for part-time and seasonal employees.

“They’re probably not going to be able to use it the first year but the ones that come back are probably going to be entitled to a day off,” explained City Treasurer Dale Diller.

In other action during Wednesday’s regular meeting, the City Council approved an amendment to the Employee Benefit policy regarding comp time. This adds that new hires would not be eligible for comp time. Alderman Bill Schmidgall made the motion to adopt the amendment.

During the aldermen comments, Steve Endres said he wants to revisit the basketball court discussion for Marsh Park, asking what will happen with the smaller court in the park’s northeast corner.

“Young kids use that,” Endres noted.

He also asked if an old court could be repurposed for a skate board park to the west.

“I just don’t think we should rip them out right away.”

Mayor David Slagel said the issue would be revisited.

City Superintendent Brett Ashburn explained the utility billing clerk is coming up with a better way to work with landlords who have tenants moving in and out.

“That should make 30 individuals happy that own land in town,” Ashburn stated.

Police Chief Robert McCormick updated the council on vehicle sales at auction. The Explorer brought $3100 while the Buick had $1900.

Street Superintendent Martin Steidinger reported most of the brick has been laid for the pool and soon workers will start taking apart the fire station and putting it back together where the building was damaged from an auto accident last summer.

Employee health insurance was renewed for 2024 with an overall increase around 3.7 percent.

“It’s kind of in line with inflation and much better than last year,” observed Treasurer Diller.

Charles Hoselton made the motion to approve the insurance matter while Gary Norris seconded.

An addition was made to the Solar Energy Code in the Municipal Code Book as Chapter 19 to put a restriction on filling empty lots with solar panels.

A sidewalk request was approved for 203 E. Maple by Nussbaum ACE Hardware. This is for 806 square feet at $2.50 a square foot. The contractor is S&T Concrete.

Following an executive session, council members approved Christmas bonuses for city employees at $225 for full-time workers and $150 for part-timers.

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