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  • Fairbury News staff

TMI tax abatement approved

The front of Technical Metals is shown along Route 24 Wednesday evening.

The Fairbury City Council has authorized a tax abatement for Technical Metals, Inc. on West Oak Street.

The property tax abatement is for seven years with 100 percent abated for five years and 75 percent for years six and seven. New construction of 25,000 square feet is planned, exceeding the 8,750 square foot expansion requirement for a seven year abatement.

“It sounds like the county and school are on board with it as well,” Fairbury Mayor David Slagel told the council Wednesday night.

Information provided by the Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council indicates Technical Metals will meet or exceed the required $1.05 million capital investment and will retain 56 full-time positions meeting the $34,148 minimum wage and benefit requirement. The abated tax is limited to new construction.

In other business during Wednesday’s regular meeting, the council approved a new hire for the sewer plant. Bruce Pride is expected to start soon.

“We had a couple of interviews and the city would like to move forward with hiring,” said City Superintendent Brett Ashburn.

Police Chief Robert McCormick reported the city is moving in the right direction with the seized vehicles. Two will be given to the fire department and others will go out for sealed bids. It was also revealed there will be no annual ESDA disaster drill in November this year due to COVID-19.

Aldermen approved pay request 27 for the city’s sewer project and the consent agenda which included previous minutes, treasurer’s cash report, check register and overtime report.

The meeting concluded after only 11 minutes.

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