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Supply drive planned in July

Fairbury News staff

First State Bank of Forrest is holding a school supply drive during July.

Supplies can be donated to any of the locations, including: Forrest, Fairbury, Onarga, Erie, Peoria Heights or Mahomet. The supplies will be evenly sorted for each school within the district closest to each bank branch. This covers the school districts of Prairie Central, Iroquois West, Eric Community Unit School District, Peoria Heights and Mahomet-Seymour Community Schools.

Traditional supplies they are looking for include pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, crayons, notebooks, glue sticks and paper. Cleaning supplies include hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and first aid supplies. Teacher supplies include dry erase markers, pencil sharpeners, scissors, chart paper, timers, tape, index cards and paper clips.

This supply drive runs July 1-31.

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