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Supply drive continues

Fairbury News staff

The annual school supply drive for local students in need continues through this Saturday, Aug. 6 at Once ‘n Again.

Donate two items (new and unopened) and receive a coupon from Once ‘n Again. Local school counselors provided a list of the following needed items:

  • 2 packs of #2 pencils

  • 1 box of kleenex, 1 box of staples

  • 1 box antibacterial wipes

  • 1 package of 10 markers (thick, thin, or dry erase)

  • 2 glue sticks

  • 10 folders-primary colors

  • zip-lock bags any size

  • 1” 3-ring binder, 2 spiral notebooks

  • 1 package colored pencils or highlighters

  • ear buds

  • post-it notes or index cards

  • book bags

  • ruler, scissors, or plastic pencil box

Stop into Once ‘n Again through Saturday with the school supply donation and save 20 percent on your clothing purchase for the day.

Once ‘n Again is a consignment resale thrift shop with locations in Fairbury and Pontiac. The business sells and consigns clothing for your entire family (all sizes), handbags (designer too), shoes, & jewelry. In Fairbury, they sell all of this plus books & home décor.

Area residents are encouraged to shop local and try Once ‘n Again before all of your other shopping options. They can meet your back-to-school clothing needs while giving back to the community we live in.

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