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Students of the Month

Fairbury News staff

(photos courtesy of Prairie Central High School)

The January students of the month were announced for Prairie Central High School.

The Physical Education Department nominated senior Destiny Schroeder.

“Destiny always gives 100 percent in PE no matter what the workout or activity is that we have assigned. She has a phenomenal work ethic and has a great deal of respect for others. She treats everyone with sincere kindness. It has been a pleasure having her in class for these past four years,” said Destiny’s nomination.

Junior Hunter Shawback was nominated as well.

“Hunter is a driven, focused and respectful student in his Personal Development class. Hunter has made a commitment to himself by setting personal goals to improve his physical fitness and overall health. Hunter displays scholarship by being ready to learn while asking great questions looking for ways to continuously increase his knowledge in the weight room,” said Hunter’s nomination.

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