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SELCAS pays it forward

Fairbury News staff

The SELCAS crew poses outside Saturday's biscuits and gravy breakfast.

Since the public always supports SELCAS during its pancake and sausage breakfast fundraiser each year, the ambulance association gives back to the community by holding a couple of biscuits and gravy breakfasts at the racetrack.

Fans of this weekend’s Prairie Dirt Classic were able to enjoy breakfast served by Southeastern Livingston County Ambulance Service at the nearby Fairbury American Legion. The funds go to different causes.

“This year, it’s for a couple of people who have significant medical issues going on,” explained Jim Hargitt, SELCAS EMS coordinator.

SELCAS has given money to different organizations throughout the years. This works out perfectly for race fans to catch a delicious breakfast while enjoying the weekend festivities.

“We do biscuits and gravy because a lot of it is ordered to go and it’s quick so we don’t need as many personnel,” Hargitt said.

The crowd varies from year to year but they typically get a good turnout, according to Hargitt. More information about SECLAS can be found online.

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