Officers were reappointed during Thursday’s regular meeting of the Prairie Central Board of Education in Fairbury.
John Wilken remains president, Tim McGreal vice president and Dana Kafer secretary.
In other business, the board approved the consolidated district plan. This includes a set of questions the district goes through that leads to grants they apply for and receive. The plan also looks at how the district talks with stakeholders.
“We really focus on the board goals you agreed on in the fall,” said Jennifer McGowan, K-6 director of curriculum and instruction.
Brian Quam, director of curriculum, instruction and technology, recapped Monday meetings with teachers on a writing curriculum update and testing.
“Our state testing is over,” explained Quam. “We also had our SAT days two weeks ago.”
Since SAT tests were online this year, results should be available by late April or early May.
Quam also reported on a career day held for juniors and seniors where 180 students attended the morning session.
Superintendent Paula Crane gave several project updates. The tiling work is looking good with soil back in place and grass planted.
“That’s pretty much done,” she noted.
Greenhouse materials have been delivered for the ag shop and the new ag addition is coming along, plus the new cooler is in.
Crane said the PACT committee will meet soon to discuss a possible additional public meeting for the community which would be a review of what has been discussed.
Proposals for stipends and fees for the upcoming school year were discussed, though no vote was taken yet. Crane is not proposing any increase in registration fees but substitute pay will increase. Athletic and participation fees will remain the same as will much of the lunch items, but high school lunch went up five cents.
Information was presented on the 2024-25 school board meeting calendar. The board will continue meeting on the third Thursday of each month except on Nov. 19 and March 18 which are Tuesdays. All meetings begin at 7 p.m. in the Prairie Central High School library unless otherwise noted.
Board members acknowledged an overnight stay request for the FFA to attend a food sciences competition.
The consent agenda was approved, which included bills, transportation and other reports as presented.
During public comment, local resident George Lambros expressed concerns over various pieces of legislation and society today.
Following an executive session, the board approved the following.
Jeffery Cole, assistant football coach, effective end of 23-24 school year.
Carrie Schmidt, JH ELA teacher, effective end of 23-24 school year.
Tiffany Ray, UE secretary, effective April 26, 2024.
Jayde Underwood, PCE café worker and bus monitor, effective April 15, 2024.
Kathy Anderson, PCP West special ed teacher, effective end of 23-24 school year.
Josephine Snyder, 5th grade teacher, effective 24-25 school year.
Joe Moore, PE/Health Teacher Leader, effective 24-25 school year only.
Keira Kirby, HS science teacher, effective 24-25 school year.
Renae Waldbeser, full-time substitute, effective 24-25 school year.
Ashly Mueller from PCE parapro to PCJH night custodian, effective April 15, 2024.
Ali Ifft from PCP East special ed teacher to PCP East preK teacher, effective the 2024-25 school year.
The Board approved a leave of absence for Lydia Giroux from October 15, 2024 through January 6, 2025.