Retiring water superintendent Duane Ifft was presented with a resolution from State Rep. Dan Brady during Wednesday’s regular meeting of the Fairbury City Council.
“The members of the Illinois House of Representatives wish to congratulate Duane Ifft on the occasion of retirement as Water Department Superintendent for the City of Fairbury on January 1, 2020,” the resolution states.
It was April 1980 when Ifft started his career with the Fairbury Water Department, helping with the treatment process for drinking water and walking around the city each month collecting readings from meters.
Ifft attained a Class A license, the highest issued from the state for water treatment, in March of 1982. He was promoted to the position of superintendent in 2004 and helped achieve 15 consecutive years of the highest standard of compliance in accordance with the Illinois Fluoridation Act from the Illinois Department of Public Health.
“Duane Ifft has been a friendly and familiar face in the community, answering the call day or night when citizens had questions or in times of emergency,” Brady said. “He is a man of great pride and integrity and Fairbury has benefited from his 40 years of service."
Following the meeting, Ifft thanked all the present and past council members along with mayors and fellow employees he has worked with over the years.
“I really appreciate it all,” Ifft said.
Also at the meeting, City Superintendent Brett Ashburn revealed Treasurer Dale Diller had been going over the audit and there was a discrepancy.
“One department was a little bit short on the funds but our net cash all worked out,” Ashburn explained.
According to Ashburn, Diller is correcting this and will move the cash from the general fund back to the department. Diller has been talking with the city’s lead auditor on the issue.
In other action, Alexandria Voorheis was hired for the city’s utility billing position. Voorheis is the latest recommended candidate after the first hire at the last meeting ended up not taking the position.
The Fairbury City Council also:
-Accepted a contract with Forrest for police services.
-Promoted Mike Mellott to the role of Water Superintendent, effective January 1.
-Renewed membership with the Fairbury Area Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $650 payable by December 30.
-Authorized pay request 17 to Vissering for the water treatment plant project in the amount of $662,512.21.
-Approved the consent agenda, including December 4 minutes, invoice register, treasurer’s cash report and check register.