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Fairbury News staff

Quilt honors police chiefs

Chief Robert McCormick, left, and City Superintendent Brett Ashburn display a quilt made by Margie Hedrick.

A special quilt was displayed at Wednesday’s regular meeting of the Fairbury City Council.

The quilt, made by Margie Hedrick, features the various police chiefs over the years in the city. Hedrick is the wife of former police chief Sam Hedrick. Now, the city will try to find a place to hang the quilt at City Hall.

“It was very nice of her,” said current police chief Robert McCormick.

Sewer Superintendent Brad Duncan gave an update on the new sewer plant which is expected to be up and running soon. Process equipment has been started up except for the chlorine and de-watering buildings with grass seeding planned for the spring.

“The plant will be online fully before December,” noted Duncan.

The council approved sewer replacement quotes as there was a root intrusion and sink holes. Kafer Tiling will be hired to help with the project with a total cost of $25,000. This includes materials, a backhoe, operator and city crews helping with installation.

City Superintendent Brett Ashburn reported the city’s allocation of CARES Act money is approximately $150,000 for COVID relief. This can be used for payroll reimbursement for reduced hours earlier in the year, a city app to help residents receive information and hand sanitizer stations.

A bid from Lonewolf Concrete in the amount of $39,640 was authorized to redo the sidewalk near the Walton Centre. This will be almost identical to the sidewalk by Lost Arts, according to Street Superintendent Martin Steidinger.

“My suggestion – wait until spring,” said Steidinger, who is looking at sometime in May.

Aldermen also approved an invoice payable to the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association for $91,251.81 for city insurance coverage.

“They didn’t raise the premium this year,” Ashburn stated.

Chief McCormick told the council five of the city’s seized vehicles were taken to auction. Two or three of the vehicles are likely worth something.

The consent agenda was also approved, which included the Sept. 16 meeting minutes, voucher invoice register listing the bills, treasurer’s cash report, check register and overtime report.

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