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Personnel changes approved

Fairbury News staff

Several personnel matters were authorized by the Prairie Central Board of Education last week.

The board has announced Mike Wolf will be principal of Prairie Central Primary East, effective July 1. He is currently a high school physical education and driver’s education teacher. Meanwhile, Wade Czerwonka will be high school principal effective July 1. He currently serves as the junior high principal. Also, the resignation of Tonya Dieken was accepted as director of curriculum, instruction and technology.

Board members also accepted the resignations of Phyllis Welborn as PCHS head cook and Scott Ziller as assistant football coach and granted a leave of absence to an employee.

The following appointments were made: Shannon Stadnik as junior high math teacher, Jeff Meyer as auxiliary junior high baseball coach, Kayla Wells as PCP West paraprofessional and Ivana Riviera as PCP West paraprofessional.

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