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McGreal performs benefit show

Fairbury News staff

Maddie Zimmerman and Patrick McGreal perform Saturday in Chatsworth with FFA members and students looking on.

Patrick McGreal just turned 17 but could very well be on his way to a career in country music.

The Prairie Central FFA Chapter sentinel performed a benefit concert at Nu-Ag Technology in Chatsworth Saturday evening for the Hawk Restore which is a giving closet for all high school students.

McGreal just got started with his musical venture last October and now performs occasional shows.

“One of my cousins started teaching me the guitar and I loved it and just kind of ran with it,” McGreal said.

So, what was it like to perform in front of an audience of FFA supporters and local community members?

“It was a lot of fun out there,” noted McGreal.

The PCHS student often spends time in his room looking online for tutorials on chords and songs. He has even written some of his own songs, one of which he performed on Saturday. McGreal won’t rule out pursuing a career in music.

“We’ll see where it goes. Hopefully I can make it big someday,” he laughed.

Special musical guest Maddie Zimmerman also joined McGreal on stage and the 2019-2020 PC FFA officer team even did a group performance. McGreal, who is a big fan of Kenny Chesney, sang quite a few Chesney songs along with other new songs and classics by various artists.

The giving closet provides new and gently used clothing for students along with shampoo, conditioner and various toiletries. This is a partner project with the PC Plentiful Pack program where food is sent home with high school students.

“We are sending bags of food home with students every other week at the high school,” explained Becky Freed, one of the PC FFA advisors. “We love encouraging FFA members in all of their talents – not just in agriculture.”

Those attending the show brought their own lawn chairs and enjoyed snacks.

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