Those visiting Floral Hall during this week’s 147th Fairbury Fair will like what they see on the inside.
The building renovation is coming along well with a new ceiling, walls and circulating fans.
“We made 30 some new displays out there,” explained Chris Matich, Fairbury Fair secretary. “People are going to be shocked by how Floral Hall looks on the inside.”
Matich notes the new LED lights are not quite up yet, but the building is impressive. The fair board continues to build the foundation for the future with these and other improvements throughout the grounds.
Local sponsors, volunteers and fair board members are making it all possible.
The fair opens Wednesday with a free gate and judging of junior swine, open swine, dairy cattle, culinary and textiles, poultry, floriculture, fine arts, fruits and vegetables and models. Patrick McGreal performs in the grandstand at 6:30 p.m. ahead of Leah Marlene, of American Idol fame, at 7:30 p.m.
Matich hopes everyone comes out to the fair for the second day on Thursday which is Kids Day, expanding on the traditional “day care day” theme with numerous exhibits surrounding agriculture.
“They’ll be able to touch a tractor” he said.
A golf cart rodeo highlights Thursday’s entertainment along with the Kids Pinewood Derby.
Friday includes sheep and beef judging, a euchre tournament and concert from Stone Cold Cowboys at 6:30 p.m. and Sawyer Brown at 8 p.m. in the grandstand. The Stone Cold Cowboys perform in the beer garden as well from 9:30 to midnight.
Saturday is Military Day with a free gate for active and retired military with credentials. The 5K run and 2-mile walk begins at 8 a.m. along with junior beef judging and a market lamb show. The KCBS Barbeque Cookoff starts at 9 followed by the rabbit show and talent show. Afternoon events include kids baggo, a golf cart scavenger hunt, stock car racing and Silver Lake Bank from Decatur.
Sunday, the final day of the fair, is a $5 gate starting at 10 a.m. with the dairy goat and junior goat judging in the morning along with a community worship service in the grandstand. Antique farm equipment will be displayed and a chili cookoff is from noon to 5 p.m. A baggo tournament starts at 1 p.m. along with the demolition derby. Closing events are at 5 p.m. with the winner announcements.
