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Council opts out of ad

Fairbury News staff

Fairbury city leaders have opted not to advertise in a tourism publication.

Renewal of the city’s three-page spread in Discover Illinois for 2019 at a price of $1,800 failed due to the lack of a motion.

“They put them out at rest stops across the state,” explained City Superintendent Brett Ashburn.

“I just wonder if we could use that money locally to support our businesses,” said Alderman Bruce Weber.

Other council members also questioned spending the money and knowing if the advertising really helps. Mayor David Slagel suggested the possibility of the Chamber of Commerce handling the matter.

In other action Wednesday night, the Fairbury City Council approved a request for Brad Duncan and Trevor Sinnett to attend the Illinois Wastewater Professionals Conference in Springfield February 11-13 in the amount of $400 for registration and $282.50 for two nights of hotel accommodations.

“It’s a good thing we are kind of involved in it,” said Sewer Superintendent Brad Duncan.

The event website states the joint annual conference is hosted by the Illinois Water Environment Association and the Illinois Association of Water Pollution Control Operators. Highlights include workshops, technical sessions, tours and several networking opportunities. More information can be found at:

During his report, City Superintendent Ashburn said the new majority owner of the speedway, Matt Curl, has requested a meeting to discuss the relationship between the venue and the city.

“He’d like to sit down and discuss things with you,” Ashburn noted.

The committee meeting is scheduled for Jan. 30 at 6 p.m.

The group approved the annual Overdose Awareness Memorial Event and 5K planned for Saturday, May 4 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at North Park. Chief Mark Travis told the council the event gets bigger each year.

Also at the recent meeting, the Fairbury City Council:

-Appointed Michael Blackwell to serve on the Planning Commission effective immediately.

-Authorized the pay request to Vissering Construction for the new sewer plant.

-Reappointed Tom Bull to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a five-year term expiring Jan. 1, 2024.

-Purchased a skid steer from Stoller International.

-Okayed a donation request for Show Bus Public Transportation for $750.

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