The Fairbury City Council has approved a quote to replace water meters and upgrade to an AMI reading system.
“Daily it will tell you if somebody has a potential leak,” explained City Superintendent Brett Ashburn.
The total price for software, support, equipment and towers is $447,420. Ashburn noted the city has been allocated $492,000 through the American Rescue Plan. Mayor David Slagel said the city can go ahead and approve this then allocate the funds as it sees fit.
Water Superintendent Mike Mellott expects the project to begin in two or three weeks.
“We’ll send them our computers and they’ll upgrade everything,” Mellott said.
Users will be allowed to see their meter and set certain parameters if they wish. The dead meters, or ones not currently working, will be replaced first. Alderman Jon Kinate made the motion to approve the quote and upgrade the reading system.
Also during Wednesday’s regular council meeting, Ashburn revealed plans to close the city swimming pool a bit early. The pool was going to close Aug. 21 but some challenges arose including minimal staff due to guards going back to school and the need to order more chemicals. Also, the Fairbury Fair is happening that weekend.
“Staffing is the big thing,” admitted City Clerk Nancy Widlacki.
Sunday, Aug. 15 is the new pool closing date, which is just a few days before the fair starts.
Sewer Superintendent Brad Duncan reported the EPA was in town and did a final inspection for the long-term control project and everything seemed to go well. Police Chief Robert McCormick said the department is still accepting applications and testing is planned for Aug. 14.
Alderman Gary Norris updated the board on Marsh Park work. Volunteer Dale Maley has re-welded a handle and painted much of the equipment at the park.
A contract renewal with Metro Ag was approved. The company removes lime from the water plant and spreads it on local farm fields.
Council members approved the consent agenda, which included the voucher invoice register, treasurer’s cash report, check register, overtime report and a sidewalk request at 412 West Ash Street for $735. The sidewalk is 420 square feet at $1.75 per square foot.