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  • Fairbury News staff

City talks water meters

By: Dale C. Maley, for Fairbury News

Alderman Lynn Dameron acted as Mayor in the absence of Mayor David Slagel at last week’s meeting of the Fairbury City Council.

The group approved the Consent Agenda, which included the minutes from the last meeting, the financial reports, police report, and one sidewalk request.

Water Department Superintendent Mike Mellott reported that a meeting was set up for July 20 at 6 PM for the City Council to meet with the company that supplied the water meters to the city. Many maintenance problems have been experienced with these meters that measure residential and business water usage.

Superintendent Brett Ashburn reported that Congress extended the CARES Act through the end of 2021. Fairbury is eligible to receive $50,000 between now and the end of the year.

Alderman Gary Norris reviewed a park safety magazine article. He also reported he recently reviewed the swimming pool operations and noted everything is running very well. Alderman Norris also announced the new disc golf course is finished and available for use at North Park.

Alderman Steve Endres reported that a vandal that destroyed two screens at Marsh Park had been apprehended, and the case is in the legal system.

In new business, the City Council approved paying a one-time fee of $26,800 to the TP&W Railroad versus a perpetual annual fee of $1500 for easements needed for the new sewer project. The Council also approved a $2,500 donation to the Livingston County Sheriff's Department K-9 purchase to be paid from the DUI Equipment Fund.

An annexation agreement to the city was also approved. This agreement was for annexation to the D. & C. Wenger Subdivision and Street Dedication between Nathan D. Wenger & Emily J. Wenger and Kyle Wenger & Kerri Wenger on the west end of Pine Street.

An electrical aggregation plan was also approved to pay for electricity used by city properties.

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