A Fairbury teen will be competing with others from Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin in this weekend’s Elks Hoop Shoot regional competition at Iowa City.
Kori Buscher, 13, earned the top spot at the podium through three levels of the 12-13 girls division of the Elks Hoop Shoot. Buscher advanced out of Pontiac to the East District Shoot and on to the state shoot.
During the IEA shoot, Buscher was the top overall shooter, making 21 of 25 shots, advancing to the regionals. Winners from the regional event advance to the National Finals next month in Chicago.
In addition to basketball, Buscher participates in volleyball and track but her favorite is basketball.
Busher is an eighth grader at Prairie Central Junior High School in Forrest and her parents are Andrew and Keshia Buscher.