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Munz scholarships presented

(Top left: Kylie Bazzell, top right: Amanda Edelman, bottom left: Sheldon Riedel, bottom right: Martin Steidinger, on behalf of Toby Steidinger)

The annual Brian J. Munz scholarships were presented during Wednesday’s regular meeting of the Fairbury City Council.

“Thank you to the City Council for taking time for this every year,” said Jim Munz prior to the presentation.

The four recipients this year include:

Kylie Bazzell, daughter of fireman Greg Bazzell. She is a 2020 graduate of Prairie Central High School and is completing her junior year at the University of Illinois pursuing a bachelor’s degree in marketing.

Amanda Edelman, daughter of Alan Edelman who is a SELCAS EMT. She is a 2021 graduate of Prairie Central High School and currently enrolled at Heartland Community College, pursuing an associate’s degree in arts.

Sheldon Riedel, employed as a SELCAS EMT. He graduated from Prairie Central High School in 2020 and is currently attending Heartland Community College and plans to transfer to Illinois State University in January 2024. Riedel is pursuing a degree in Cybersecurity.

Toby Steidinger, son of fire chief Martin Steidinger. He is a 2016 Prairie Central High School graduate and attended Heartland Community College, later transferring to Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and receiving a bachelor’s degree in social work in 2019. He is currently enrolled at Indiana University – Indianapolis pursuing a master’s degree in social work.

Also at Wednesday’s council meeting, Street Superintendent Martin Steidinger reported work is progressing on the sidewalk project and a price has been obtained from a Saunemin company to put lights on the new fire truck.

“We want to give them the go-ahead on that,” said Steidinger.

Police Chief Robert McCormick noted the newest police recruit made it down to the academy and is currently in his first week.

City Superintendent Brett Ashburn instructed council members to sign and return a form to City Hall regarding a new state mandate on cyber training. Ashburn also revealed IDOT will be in town May 23 to meet about the condition of Route 24.

Alderman Bruce Weber talked to some people who are interested in Sunken Park for the memorial basketball courts which were announced at the previous meeting.

“I don’t even know if you’d get two of them in,” said Steidinger.

“It’s something we can look into,” stated Mayor David Slagel.

The city’s fiscal budget for 2023-2024 was approved. Alderman Bill Schmidgall made the motion.

“I’m good with it,” he said.

Amendments to the fire department pay schedule were authorized. This is related to the increase in the volunteer firefighter amounts.

The Motor Fuel work and budget were approved. This is for maintenance so money can be spent on gravel or something similar. The project will be on Main Street and no sealcoating is involved.

A request was granted from Crazy Crain’s for two events involving alcohol sales and consumption on city property. The first is slated for May 12 from 4 to 10 p.m. and the other May 21 from 12 to 9 p.m. This involves a contest from a local radio station for country music concert tickets.

“They anticipate a fairly decent crowd,” noted Ashburn.

Alderman James Tipton asked if there was an update on the old hospital.

“It’s still being taken down,” replied Slagel.

Ashburn believes they are finished with the asbestos removal portion of the project but he is not sure of the exact demolition date.

Mayor Slagel shared information from the Illinois Department of Public Health congratulating the city on maintaining perfect compliance with fluoride in the water. The city has achieved this for 20 years in a row.

Newly elected aldermen were sworn-in, including Jon Kinate, Charles Hoselton, Steve Endres and Gary Norris.

In other action Wednesday evening, the Fairbury City Council:

-Granted a request from Mary Catherine Carter to use Marsh Park June 10 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for Freedom Fest.

-Appointed Leroy Rodriguez to the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill a vacancy.


Approved Bank of Pontiac as financial institution for the city police department restricted funds and unawarded seized funds accounts and to approve Randall Vedder, Dale Diller, Robert McCormick and Brett Ashburn as check signers.

-Approved Bank of Pontiac, Morton Community Bank, First State Bank of Forrest and The Illinois Funds as financial institutions for the city and to approve Dale Diller, Alexandria Reis, Jessica Wenger and Brett Ashburn as check signers.

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