After having to take last year off, the annual Livingston County Farm Bureau Young Leaders Breakfast on the Farm returns to Kilgus Farmstead this Saturday, June 12.
“This is something we’ve done for several years,” explains Matt Kilgus. “It is an opportunity for folks to get out to the farm, have breakfast and get a chance to walk around.”
Saturday’s breakfast only costs a dollar which represents the share which goes back to the farmer. The goal is to bring awareness to what farmers do for everyone. Serving takes place from 7 to 10 a.m. and the menu consists of sausage gravy and biscuits, eggs, milk, orange juice and coffee.
Free farm tours will be offered along with kid activities, the chance to meet a farmer and more. Current Illinois Department of Public Health guidelines will be observed.
“We had a lot of people ask this year if the event is going to come back and fortunately, where things are at now, we’ve been able to do that safely,” added Kilgus.
For those not feeling comfortable eating outdoors with others, there is a carryout breakfast option.
Kilgus Farmstead is located just a mile south of Fairbury on First Street (turn south at the U.S. Highway 24 stop light). The physical address is 21471 East 670 North Road.