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Donations help refugees

Fairbury News staff

Donated items are shown inside Fairbury City Hall Tuesday afternoon.

Local residents are encouraged to donate items to help refugees coming out of Ukraine into Poland.

Donations are being collected at various locations around Fairbury through Wednesday afternoon (March 30) at 3 p.m. such as Fairbury Furniture, City Hall, First Presbyterian Church, Petersen Chevrolet-Buick, Nussbaum Ace Hardware and First Baptist Church.

“We have several things we are asking for regarding children’s clothing, women’s feminine products and several things for small children and babies,” said Fairbury Chamber executive director Rebekah Fehr.

Items needed include: baby items (such as formula, baby soap, lotion, diaper cream, food, wipes, bottles, burp cloths, lightweight blankets), over-the-counter medications for children, women’s hygiene products, women’s undergarments and children’s socks and underwear.

These items can also be dropped off at the Apostolic Christian HarvestCall Distribution Center, 24553 E. 800 North Road, Fairbury, on Thursday (March 31) between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Collected items will be packaged, hauled via semitrailer to Ohio and reloaded into a shipping container.

Impact With Hope is sending the containers through Germany into Poland for distribution to the refugees. The containers are currently arriving in around 15 days.

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