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Looking back: 2-1-23

Kari Kamrath

130 Years Ago

January 28, 1893

Miss Ethel Bradley entertained a number of her little friends at her home last Saturday afternoon, the occasion being her seventh birthday.

The Fairbury House has again changed hands and James Turner is now in charge until Mr. Hill, the owner, can find someone to take the place.

Rev. W. L. Riley, assisted by his brother, W. B. Riley, of Chicago, and Rev. W. E. Story, of Mt. Carroll, have been conducting revival services at the Baptist Church for the past three weeks. As a result of the meetings nineteen new members have been added to the church.

Last Monday Miss Ida Crull attained her eighteenth birthday and in honor of the event about twenty of her friends gathered at her home and spent the evening. Before departing they presented her with a nice gold pen and holder.

120 Years Ago

January 30, 1903

The fine new school building which had just been erected at Colfax at a cost of $21,000 was burned to the ground Monday morning. The origin of the fire is a mystery and incendiary origin seems to be the only solution. The loss is a severe one to the little city of Colfax. While the building itself cost $21,000, and was practically new, the fixtures, books and school apparatus will bring the total loss up to $30,000. The insurance was $20,000.

W. G. Myers has commenced the manufacture of candy which he has placed on sale at the stores in this city. He is making a first-class article and it is meeting with a ready sale.

Weston — A meeting has been called for Friday night to discuss the farmers elevator project. Verily our town boometh when its industries extend both skyward and underground. Pontiac, Fairbury and Chenoa should beware of their laurels or Weston will have them annexed in the near future.

Chenoa — Louis M. Wilson's condition was somewhat improved Sunday. His broken legs seem to be getting along very well but he suffers considerable with his back which was also hurt when he fell last Tuesday from the roof of the German Church.

110 Years Ago

January 31, 1913

The partnership heretofore existing between N. E. Fulton and G. A. Sutton is, by mutual consent, this day dissolved, Mr. Fulton retiring from the firm. Mr. Sutton will continue the business and publication of The Blade.

On next Monday night the Bon Ton Limits and the New York Nationals basketball teams will do battle at the Fairbury Opera House.

A carpenters' union of 23 members has been formed in this city, with the following officers: Pres. Wm. Hallock; Sec. Thomas Duggan; Treas. Frank Combes. The scale established is 24 cents, 30 cents and 35 cents per hour.

The new fixtures for the drug store of W. B. Decker & Sons were put in place this week. A handsome new soda fountain of the latest pattern replaces the old one and also a new prescription case.

100 Years Ago

January 26, 1923

In the county court this afternoon Judge Ray Sesler and a jury were engaged in hearing the case of the People vs. Louis Austman, Forrest, charged with having violated the prohibition act. Austman was arrested some months ago when various establishments in Forrest were raided by Sheriff R. T. Gorman and a number of his deputies last fall.

Fire Monday afternoon about three o'clock burned quite a hole in the roof of the residence of William Walker on West Chestnut Street, before the fire department arrived and put out the flames. The fire was caused by sparks from the chimney falling on the dry shingles. The loss was covered by insurance.

The T. P. & W. Railroad is making their trains more modern by installing electric lights. For some time past they have been equipping the passenger cars with the necessary electrical appliances, but Monday was the first time a complete train had been connected up with electric lights and run over this road. Many of the roads have had this commodity for years but the patrons of the T. P. & W. will no doubt appreciate this change for better service, although a little late in arriving.

90 Years Ago

February 3, 1933

The City Meat Market, conducted by R. B. James, was broken into Wednesday morning about 3 o'clock, but the burglars evidently were frightened away before they could get the things they wanted, for a checkup on the stock showed nothing missing, and the cash register had not been tampered with. Entrance was gained to the building by pushing against the door with great force until the bolt of the lock slipped out of place.

A near-accident took place Wednesday which had a happy ending. Street Commissioner Andre Hlavas and a force of men were felling a large poplar tree in front of the Baptist parsonage. The tree fell before it's schedule and before Mr. Hlavas had time to guard the street from traffic. As the tree began its fall the Fairbury Dairy Company's delivery truck came down Fourth Street from the north, and on seeing the tree falling, the driver had barely time to whip sharply to the right into the Baptist Church yard, the tree missing the truck by about three feet.

John Kaisner, living west of town, suffered the loss of a dressed hog and some cooped chickens from his farm Tuesday night. Foot tracks could be traced toward his fields but were soon lost to view.

80 Years Ago

January 29, 1943

Earline, aged about six, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Range, of Weston, was knocked down by a dog on Monday evening. Her head came in contact with the frozen ground, cutting a gash that required four stitches to close.

Don't blush or get indignant, if when you drive up to a service station where you have been used to getting credit, and after telling the attendant to fill 'er up and "charge it," when he tells you it can't be done. That is, the "charge it" part. Yesterday service station owners received word that starting February 1st, gasoline sold at retail from service stations can't be sold on credit no matter how much the owner of the station may want to accommodate you.

Miss Ruby Farley will go to St. Louis, Mo., February first to begin a three-year course in the school of nursing in St. Louis City Hospital. The hospital is one of the largest of St. Louis charitable institutions in the hospital division of the department of public welfare. It has 1,050 beds and a daily average of 800 patients. The physicians and surgeons on the staff are the most noted in the city and include those comprising the medical faculties of St. Louis and Washington Universities.

70 Years Ago

January 29, 1953

Honegger Mill employees returned to work Monday on the night shift, after a walk-out earlier in the day because of a wage dispute. An agreement was reached with management Monday evening after talks between employees and management. Production and maintenance employees were involved in the walkout.

In the course of a few weeks the Huette addition, consisting of some seven or eight residence properties and located at the northwest edge of Fairbury, will be a part of this city. The matter of this addition being admitted into the corporate limits came before the council at its meeting last Wednesday evening.

Rotarians Tuesday night heard a report on the construction progress of the new wing of the Fairbury Hospital. Roy Taylor reported that work is progressing well, and that plastering is expected to begin in the next 10 days, and will probably last 3 or 4 months. The automatic, hydraulic elevator is under construction, and is one of the best models available. The final wing of the 67-bed hospital is going to be completed in June or July, Mr. Taylor said. He expected that the project would be confined within the budget. About $60,000 has been spent on the wing.

60 Years Ago

January 31, 1963

The Gene Steidinger home, located three miles south, two miles east and a half-mile north of Forrest, burned to the ground with such quickness and intensity that firemen from Forrest and Strawn were unable to salvage a thing from the remains. Fortunately, a frozen water pipe led to an invitation which caused members of the family to be absent. Mrs. Steidinger and the children had accompanied her father to Fairbury Monday since the water pipes at the farm were frozen. Mr. Steidinger, who is a driver for Freeman Vaughan, A.T.A. in Forrest, was in Kansas City making a delivery at the time.

A Fairbury-Cropsey senior, L. Douglas Beatty, has received a principal appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy from Congressman Leslie C. Arends. Termed "a really outstanding young man" by his guidance counselor, James Agner, Beatty is president of the student council, co-editor of the year book, was named All-United Conference Tackle, was elected junior class president and was science club secretary. He will have to take a physical exam at Chanute AFB and then take college board tests for entrance to the institution at Colorado Springs, Colo.

Forrest — Elvin Skinner, Floyd Haab, Glenn Waibel, Melvin Beal, Jim Fellers Jr. and Harold Hines spent the weekend in Chicago, at which time they were stationed at various fire houses and went on calls with the departments. These men are members of the Forrest Volunteer Fire Department.

50 Years Ago

February 1, 1973

Donald E. Patterson today began his official tenure as administrator of Fairbury Hospital. However, he has been in his office since Monday, getting acquainted with department heads and pending business, according to Roy Taylor, president of the hospital board. Patterson, whose appointment was announced a month ago, came here from Muscatine, Iowa General Hospital where he was assistant administrator. The Pattersons have purchased the Richard Gauger home in Northview addition and expect to move here in two weeks.

Two FCHS seniors have been named to receive this year's annual Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution awards, according to Charles Lane, high school principal. Elaine Schaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaffer of Fairbury, has been named the D.A.R. Good Citizen award recipient at Fairbury-Cropsey High school. Robert J. Ficklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ficklin of rural Fairbury is the 1973 recipient of the S.A.R. award.

At five o'clock Sunday afternoon, January 28, 1973, seven Fairbury churches rang their steeple bells, thereby calling the community to attend a special service of thanksgiving and intercession upon cessation of hostilities in Vietnam. During worship service Sunday morning, members of seven churches were advised that a special worship service had been set for that afternoon at 5:15 p.m., in the First United Methodist Church.

40 Years Ago

January 27, 1983

If you received a traffic citation within the past six months in Livingston County, the resulting fine has helped enrich county coffers nearly $250,000. A $50 speeding ticket adds $43 to county bankrolls, in one form or another, according to Circuit Clerk Judy Cremer. Cities, villages and townships split $22,701.25, based upon the number of tickets written in each area.

Twenty-six students in the University of Illinois Institute of Aviation have earned flight certificates and ratings. Among them was William Slayton, Fairbury, with a commercial-instrument rating. The students earned the certificates by completing courses this past semester and by passing Federal Aviation Administration tests. The awards include private pilot certificates and ratings in instrument flying and multiengine flying.

A Fairbury native, Earl Bahler, has been elected senior vice-president of a major New York advertising agency, Ogilvy & Mather Direct Response Inc. Bahler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Bahler of rural Fairbury, and attended Fairbury-Cropsey High school. After serving a hitch in the Peace Corps in South America, from October 1962 to September 1964, Bahler enrolled in Lake Forest College, from which he graduated in 1967 after only three years. He then earned his Master's degree in Business Administration from the Amos Tuck school at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. He began his advertising career when he joined Ogilvy & Mather Inc. in 1969.

30 Years Ago

January 28, 1993

Harold Hinds of Forrest has been elected fire chief of the Forrest Fire Department, succeeding Richard Sanders, who served in the post for 17 years. Sanders stepped down Jan. 14 to first assistant to the fire chief citing his responsibilities as mayor of the Village of Forrest, among other things, as keeping him too busy to continue heading the fire department, according to Hinds.

Robert Dohman, president of the Chatsworth Driftsplitters snowmobile club recently presented checks to three area non-profit organizations. Jack Reynolds, commander of the Piper City American Legion Post 588, received $150 to help support Piper Big Days; Roger Braun, director of ambulance services, received $300 on behalf of SELCAS; and Connie Dohman received $150 on behalf of the Chatsworth Historical Society for that organization's help in promoting Chatsworth Heritage Days. The Driftsplitters have been active since 1976 and raised the money for their donations through their annual poker run. The club has 50 members.

The J. A. Folwell American Legion Post, Forrest, is sponsoring their annual Rabbit/Chicken Stag Feb. 11. The all-you-can-eat dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Forrest Legion Hall. Tickets may be purchased from Henry Stork, Dick Haab, Vernon Edelman or at the Forrest Elevator.

20 Years Ago

January 29, 2003

A water main break on North Street in Colfax last Thursday caused the village to be without water, but residents seemed to take the inconvenience all in stride. No water meant no school for students at Ridgeview, which pleased some students. Village Clerk, Nancy Kiper, stressed that the village residents need to continue to conserve water to help get the water system pressure back. Damon Getty, Superintendent of Public Works stated that the water main was repaired at 4:30 p.m. but that the water tower would need to fill during the night and part of Friday.

Perry Pratt, a long-time member of the board of directors for the Citizens State Bank of Cropsey, was honored at the directors' annual meeting Jan. 23. Pratt, who has been a director since 1965, was presented a plaque and other gifts. The bank's CEO Rick Hiatt made the presentations to Pratt.

The dairy products business that William Kupferschmid and his wife Nettie started and operated some 40-plus years ago, has grown into a residential and commercial appliance, sales & service, and heating & air conditioning sales & service business, whose owners have included two generations of the Kupferschmid family, with the third generation waiting in the wings to take over ownership of the business, Kupferschmid Inc. In 1960 William Kupferschmid Sr. and his wife Nettie opened a business in Forrest. Ill health forced William to sell out to his two sons in 1972. Another son, Bill Kupferschmid joined the company in 1992, as manager of the heating & air conditioning business. Today, Kupferschmid Inc. employs approximately 20 and serves customers within a 50-mile radius of Pontiac and Forrest on a 24-hour basis.

10 Years Ago

January 30, 2013

An unknown number of hogs were injured following a semi rollover between Forrest and Fairbury Thursday morning. The driver reportedly received a minor head wound but refused treatment following the crash along Route 24 and Livingston County road 2500 East. Some surviving hogs were seen running from the crash site and had to be rounded up by neighbors. Officials from Livingston County Animal Control were initially dispatched to the scene and multiple law enforcement and EMS agencies responded to the accident around 7:30 a.m.

SELCAS and Prairie Lands Foundation would like to thank the community for their support and participation in the matching donation challenge that began Nov. 19, 2012. The community met this challenge with over 240 individuals and businesses donating more than $50,000 to the SELCAS building fund. Along with the $15,000 matching donation of Prairie Lands Foundation, SELCAS finds its financial situation in a much stronger position for their ground breaking later this spring. A year ago, the community donated more than $27,500 to the Dominy Memorial Library Building Project challenge.

"Looking back" each Wednesday on Fairbury News is sponsored by Duffy-Pils Memorial Home.

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