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Kari Kamrath

Looking Back: 11-2-23

130 Years Ago

October 28, 1893

Through the kindness of Agent Joe Reckard of the T. P. & W., we are enabled to make an estimate of the number of people who have attended the World's Fair in Chicago from this vicinity. The number of tickets sold from this city to Chicago by months is as follows: May 90, June 174, July 200, August 299, September 323, October (to the 27th) 600; total, 1,686.

Rev. Sharpless and family moved into the new parsonage this week.

The time for putting up stoves and making the pipe fit has come and ministers and others should be vigilant and warn people of the danger of using last year's hold-over objectives.

Cropsey — Martin Popejoy sold to E. B. Meeker his town property occupied by W. S. Caler.

120 Years Ago

October 30, 1903

Miss Nellie Drennen, of this city, and Arch Kelso, of Weston, went over to the neighboring state of Indiana last Saturday, where at Fort Wayne they were united in marriage by Rev. Asher S. Preston.

The initial number of the Forrest News, published at Forrest by Fred and Will Thompson, is out. It is a bright and newsy paper.

Percy Merrill received a young deer Monday. It was sent him by his father from Remington, Ind.

Markets — Hogs, $4.25 to $4.50; corn, yellow, 39c; corn, white, 38½c; oats, 32½c; butter, 15c; eggs, 18c; lard, 10c.

110 Years Ago

October 31, 1913

The Fairbury Hospital will reopen in a short time with Miss Overman, a trained nurse from Bloomington, in charge.

Lough & Ellis have leased the east end picture show and will give their first show tomorrow night. Amos Lower of Williamsport, Ind., has purchased the Electric Theatre in this city, of Ed Gavin, of Pontiac, and took possession the first of the week.

James Wade has four of the prettiest Shetland ponies that a person could wish to see. They came from the Bunn stables of Peoria and are of fine stock.

Cropsey — O. Culver has closed his meat market and gone on a hunting trip through the west. The William Judd house is being improved by the addition of a large front porch.

100 Years Ago

October 26, 1923

Mrs. Lola Conn and Mrs. Jesse Crouch will leave today for Spring Hill, Kan., to be present at the celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stuckey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stuckey are well known in this vicinity, having lived on a farm east of Fairbury until about twenty-five years ago, when they removed to Spring Hill.

The new grain elevator at Wing is one of the finest modern structures of the kind in this part of the state. The concrete bins have a capacity of 50,000 bushels. All loads are dumped by air pressure and Manager Willard Barclay is prepared to handle the grain as fast as it comes in. He has also made great improvements in the premises about the elevator.

A big coon hunt will be staged by the American Legion on the night of November first at Tucker's Ford north of Fairbury. Everybody is invited to come. Twelve of the best dogs in the state will be used to scare up the coons. Plenty of coffee and sandwiches when you get hungry.

90 Years Ago

October 27, 1933

The curfew law will be enforced from this date until after Halloween – and that doesn't mean maybe. The city ordinance provides that no child under the age of 18 years shall be on the streets or in other public places after 9 p.m. unless accompanied by parents or guardians. There has been entirely too much Halloween activity in recent years in destroying property, and as those committing them have not made payment for the damage done, the curfew ordinance may serve as a check to youthful celebrators. —Geo. H. Franzen, Mayor.

About 65 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hornsby and helped them celebrate their fifth anniversary on Tuesday evening. They brought with them many gifts, and refreshments were served at a late hour.

Francis Harms, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Harms, Jr., who reside four miles north and a mile west of Forrest, is a patient at the Fairbury Hospital, suffering from a compound fracture of his leg, between the ankle and knee, which injury he received yesterday shortly after the noon hour, when the team he was driving ran away. Mr. Harms, who is about 20 years of age, was husking corn for Philip Brown, a mile east of Wing. He had finished dinner and was driving to the field with Pat Hoke, also of Wing, in the wagon. The team started to run and one of the lines broke. Hoke jumped from the wagon and Harms also started to jump when he fell and broke his leg.

80 Years Ago

October 29, 1943

Will C. Mundt, of Bloomington, but formerly of Fairbury, has again been named state adjutant of the Illinois American Legion. His appointment was made at a meeting of the Illinois State Executive Committee held in Chicago the latter part of last week. Mr. Mundt was first appointed adjutant in April, 1929. Earlier he had served as state organization officer, state historian, commander of John Joda Post, Fairbury, commander of Livingston County Legion and secretary of the Livingston County group.

The birthdays of Mrs. T. R. Estep and her brother, Henry Kohler, both coming on the same date, October 24, were celebrated at a dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kohler, with a party of twenty joining in a basket dinner.

Mrs. F. M. Patton will be 94 years old tomorrow. Early this month she was one of a family party that had a picnic dinner at the stone quarry woods. She enjoyed it all and felt none the worse for her outing. Mrs. Patton would feel that she had missed much if she didn't have at least one outdoor picnic during the picnic season. She enjoys her visits in the country at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mack.

70 Years Ago

October 29, 1953

It rained here Monday and Tuesday, and hardly anyone complained about it. It was the first rain in Fairbury in 22 days; and, by way of making the understatement of the season, was sorely needed. The precipitation totaled 1.09 inches, the most rain in any one week here since the week of July 15-21. The midsummer-like heat wave was broken Friday. Chilly weather has prevailed since then, with the mercury going no higher than 69 degrees.

Virgil Munz has been in an unhappy frame of mind since Saturday, when his two pet geese were shot at the Munz sandpit south of the golf course. A local hunter blasted the Canada goose Saturday morning and told Mr. Munz he did not know it was a pet. Later, boys with air rifles, killed the sickly snow goose which Mr. Munz and Fred Bartley had been feeding. To add further damage, five window panes were broken out of the cabin at the pit by the boys with air rifles.

David Grosshans, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grosshans, of west of Fairbury, suffered a fractured right leg last Thursday morning. Mr. Grosshans was moving brooder houses. David wanted to ride with his father on the tractor, but was told he could not ride, but should walk. David rode on the runner unknown to his father and his leg became caught between the cross-brace and the brooder house after he slipped. He was taken to Fairbury Hospital, where his condition is said to be improving.

60 Years Ago

October 31, 1963

On a total bid of $95,000 for its 160 acres, the W. A. Goembel estate near Strawn lacked only $6.25 of bringing an even $600 per acre Saturday afternoon at the Fairbury City Hall under the chant of the auctioneer, Col. J. C. Ebach. The actual average breaks down to $593.75 for the farm, which is located a half-mile west of Strawn. The land was purchased as a unit by Warren Hartman, Leroy Koehl and Walter Moser. The group had private arrangements for dividing it up among them. Hartman took the improved 80 acres, while Koehl and Moser each took 40-acre tracts.

The International Study Club and Fairbury Jaycees will be host to 30 foreign Air Force officers and enlisted men this weekend. The group will arrive here at 2 p.m. on Saturday. They will be taken on a Honegger tour and then will be free at 4 p.m. to spend Saturday evening with host families. Countries represented by the men are Morocco, Libya, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Burma, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Vietnam, China, France and South America. Fairbury Jaycees will return the group to Chanute AFB on Sunday afternoon where they are studying.

Neighbors in Cropsey this week picked the standing corn remaining on the farm of Omer Meyer, who lost two fingers in a picker accident last Thursday. On Saturday, Bill Helmers and Lawrence Brucker brought pickers to the farm for operation, and Marvin Beyer ran the Meyer picker. Also helping were Jake Helmers, Dick Brucker, Floyd Holt and his brother, Charles Meyer of Patoka. On Monday, the remaining 20 acres were harvested with a picker-sheller by the Steidinger brothers.

50 Years Ago

November 1, 1973

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schladenhauffen of Forrest Sunday announced the engagement of their daughter, Kathy Lynne, to Garry J. Knauer, son of Mrs. Maxine Knauer and the late Glenn Knauer of Strawn. Both are 1970 graduates of Forrest-Strawn-Wing High School. Kathy is presently employed by Rieger Coil Co., in Fairbury. Garry is employed by Central Soya, Gibson City. A December wedding is being planned.

She was comin' 'round the mountain...or where one would be if Cullom had one... at 3:30 Thursday afternoon, October 25, 1973, when..."at this moment in time"... old 9413 left the Illinois Central Gulf rails and plunged, point-blank, into history. 25 cars of train extended north for several blocks after it had veered from the main track onto a switch-line about a block to the north.

A new three-year contract was agreed upon Friday morning between representatives of Sheetmetal Workers International Union, Local 567 and Pittsburgh-International Corporation of Fairbury, following three days of negotiation. The contract's essential changes involve a total of 70c in wage increments through 1976 with 35c the first year, 20c the second year and 15c the third year. Pension provisions were doubled starting on Nov. 1, 1974 and a 10th holiday was added in the third year. Life insurance was also added to the safety and health package.

40 Years Ago

October 27, 1983

A cost-cutting program which has been in formulation for several months was adopted Tuesday night by the board of Fairbury Hospital. As part of that decision, they voted to terminate the experimental program which for the past 15 months had employed Dr. Don Kreutzer as a full-time pathologist, and also place many other employees on reduced hours. "We're carrying a staff for a patient load of 45 to 50, and our census, like all hospitals, is down, currently in the 20's," a hospital spokesman said.

Debbie Edwards of Fairbury will be among 21 high school juniors and seniors from Illinois, Indiana and Iowa enrolled for the annual Weekend for Pianists at Illinois Wesleyan University Friday and Saturday, Oct. 28-29. Sponsored by the piano department of the School of Music, the weekend will include private lessons, class and recital performances, group sessions on accompanying and discussions on career opportunities in piano.

Projected farmland assessment decreases may cost the Fairbury-Cropsey school system up to $225,000 in annual operating revenue within two years. That's the bleak picture Superintendent Calvin Jackson is outlining this week to his board of education, Jackson is basing his figures on talks held Monday in Pontiac involving superintendents from throughout Livingston County and Supervisor of Assessments Duane Kiesewetter. Kiesewetter told the school officials to expect losses between 20 and 48 percent in farmland assessments. He pinpointed Unit 3's loss at 25 percent.

30 Years Ago

October 27, 1993

Vissering Construction of Streator began excavating Monday morning at the site of the new Franciscan Family Health Center located at Walnut and First Streets in Fairbury. The contractor was low bidder for the building part of the project with a bid of $840,000, according to Saint James Hospital administrator David Ochs. In August, Saint James made the official announcement on the building of the 10,225 square-foot structure, which will house 11 exam rooms, education centers, a business office, community conference rooms and a storage and mechanical area.

Both the girls' and boys' cross country teams ran well enough at regional competition last Saturday at Hoopeston to be sent into sectionals this Saturday at Kankakee. Leading Prairie Central's girls' team was Carrie Knauer, 17, a senior in her third year of cross country running, who was the first PC cross country runner to qualify for state competition last year. At Hoopeston she finished sixth, with a time of 13:23, aiding the team to a third place victory. The Hawks' boys' team finished in fifth place. They were led by Mike Beal, a first-year cross country runner, who came in 20th with a time of 16:59.

Chad Schieler, son of Duane and Diane Schieler of rural Fairbury, became the third recipient of the Dick Daniel Memorial Scholarship. The $500 award is offered annually by the Illinois Trappers Association, in remembrance of Dick Daniel, their long-time president, killed in an automobile accident. Chad has his bachelor of science degree from Southern Illinois in Zoology, and at present is there working on his master's degree.

20 Years Ago

October 29, 2003

Prairie Central High School will host the first round of the 2003 IHSA football playoffs at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 31. The Hawks (9-0), ranked No. 1 in their Class 4A quadrant, will face Chicago Leo (5-4), the number eight seed.

Each fall, incoming Western Illinois University freshman and transfer students are asked, in an anonymous survey, to name their most inspirational teacher. Western Illinois University President, Al Goldfarb, sends a certificate and letter to the teachers to congratulate them on being an inspiration to students and to assure them their commitment to educating youth is appreciated. Becky Shafer, Fairbury, Prairie Central High School mathematics teacher, was among those named by students as most inspirational.

Approximately 400 people gathered outside of Forrest on Sunday for a Foods Resource Bank Harvest Celebration. The event was hosted by St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Forrest. At the celebration, 40 acres of corn were harvested as a symbol of the 40 acres of crop donated to the Foods Resource Bank by 31 area farmers as part of the Forrest Growing Project. After a worship service and picnic lunch, participants enjoyed combine rides, hayrack rides and a petting zoo.

10 Years Ago

October 30, 2013

There's a new sheriff in the county and his name is Al Lindsey. In a 17-to-7 vote Thursday night, Oct. 17, the Livingston County Board named Lindsey the acting Livingston County Sheriff. Voting against the appointment were Jack Vietti, Joe Steichen, Earl Rients, Judy Campbell, Carolyn Gerwin, Ronald Kestner and William Peterson. Lindsey wasn't present at the meeting, but plenty of people made comments before and after the vote, including Chairman Marty Fannin, board members, interim Sheriff Tony Childress and members of the public. Fannin, before the vote, said he didn't consider anyone who had declared candidacy for the office in 2014.

Twelve ladies from Trinity Lutheran Church in Fairbury constructed, packed and shipped 145 quilts to Lutheran World Relief last week. In addition, health, baby and school kits were sent. The group of women meet each Monday to sew the quilts that are made from donated materials from blankets, sheets, draperies, etc. When completed, the quilts filled every pew in the sanctuary of the church.

Logan and Kara Spenard of Forrest are first-time parents of a baby boy born at 3:13 p.m. Monday, Sept. 16, 2013 at OSF Saint James-John W. Albrecht Medial Center. Tyler Donald weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces and was 21 inches long at birth. Paternal grandparents are Cindy and Joe Kindelberger of Fairbury and the late Donnie Spenard. Maternal grandparents are Randy and Mary Zimmerman of Fairbury. Paternal great-grandmothers are Catherine Cash of Fairbury and Helen Spenard of Paxton. Maternal great-grandmother is Cova Smith of Fairbury. The new arrival is middle-named after his father and paternal grandfather.

(Looking Back is sponsored by Duffy Pils Memorial Home)

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