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District audit approved

Fairbury News staff

The Prairie Central Board of Education has approved the district’s Fiscal Year 19 audit and annual financial report from Floyd and Associates, CPAs.

No deficiencies were identified and there were no instances of non-compliance. General fixed assets showed an increase because of new buses and the operating expense per pupil saw a jump.

“Everything was in order and looked good,” Prairie Central Superintendent Paula Crane said at Thursday’s regular board meeting.

In another matter, the board was updated on the latest wind project planned for the area from Invenergy. Only 14 turbines from this project will be located within the Prairie Central district. Most of the project area includes the Ridgeview, El Paso-Gridley and Lexington districts. Prairie Central has more turbines in the current Bright Stalk project from EDP Renewables.

“These are smaller (turbines) than the ones currently being put up,” Crane explained.

Crane noted the turbines are assessed according to how many megawatts they produce but still generate funds for the district. Invenergy will be in contact with the Prairie Central transportation department although this newest project should not have much of an impact on bus routes.

During her superintendent report, Crane said the district did receive its last categorical payment for last year which she considers a good thing since the state does not normally move this fast.

“We don’t have any money for this year but we are working on it.”

An update was given on the Curriculum Counsel Advisory Committee. The district’s mission and vision statements were discussed during an Oct. 7 meeting. The general consensus was that “Pride in Excellence” should be kept as the motto with vision and mission statements to be newly written. The committee is considering the adoption of a new Junior High statement of “Working Together for Every Student, Every Mind, Every Day.”

Following an executive session, the board accepted the resignation of Donna Maurer as a bus driver, Tory Farney as head Junior High wresting coach and Farney as Junior High track coach. Board members appointed Seth Welch as assistant High School wrestling coach, Cynthia Barlow a co-winter cheer coach and Crysta Stork half-time paraprofessional at PCP West.

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