Topics ranging from shopping local to TV commercials were shared with members of the Fairbury City Council Wednesday night.
Rick Wilson from the Shop Local PC group explained the idea of thinking before buying. Very little if any money from Amazon goes back into the community but buying items from local businesses goes back into the community.
“It really benefits everybody in town,” Wilson said. “We need to work together to make this happen.”
The City Council approved donating $2,500 to the group to help cover costs of billboards, banners and brochures. The Shop Local PC group hopes to purchase a billboard display by Dollar General and distribute information at the upcoming Fairbury Christmas Parade.
Alderman Jon Kinate made the motion for the donation while Gary Norris seconded.
Fairbury citizen Doug Aaron also appeared before the council to explain his dream of Fairbury having a commercial to be aired during online or television programming relating to racing.
“We should be making a commercial to let them know what Fairbury is all about,” said Aaron.
Aaron has sold 50/50 tickets at the Fairbury Speedway for a number of years and has operated the shuttle during the big Prairie Dirt Classic race and said visitors always ask him where to go and what to do in town. Aaron suggested the commercial involve the local eateries and specialty shops.
“If you’re going to have 2,000 people out here, let’s get them downtown.”
Mayor David Slagel told Aaron there is potential here although he feels this could be more of a Chamber of Commerce matter. Alderman Bruce Weber noted he has operated shuttles during the races and has observed people from all over. The mayor and council thanked Aaron for his presentation.
In another matter, cannabis survey results were briefly shared with the council. The age groups were evenly represented and the support level was fairly high in support of the cannabis businesses. Some aldermen suggested putting a question on the ballot as an advisory referendum. Mayor Slagel said there were some interesting comments in the survey.
Also at Wednesday’s meeting, the Fairbury City Council:
-Approved an ordinance for the levy and assessment of taxes for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2020.
-Set the 2020 City Council meeting schedule with meetings moved to the second and fourth weeks in January due to New Year’s Day falling on a Wednesday. Also, the second meeting in August was moved to the Tuesday prior to the Fairbury Fair.
-Purchased new safety coats for public works employees from Varsitee Screen Printing in the amount of $2,235.
-Authorized an estimate from K&S in the amount of $2,779.90 for repairs to a 2016 Ford Explorer.