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Fairbury News staff

Cannabis question coming

The Fairbury City Council has approved an ordinance allowing a referendum on the sale and manufacturing of recreational adult use cannabis.

Voters will answer the following question on the March 20 general primary election ballot: “Shall the City of Fairbury, in light of state legislation legalizing the possession, consumption and sale of cannabis, allow the sale and manufacturing of recreational adult use cannabis within its jurisdiction?”

Also at Wednesday’s regular meeting, the council received a reminder from Deb Moran on an upcoming disaster drill at the fire station planned for Monday, Dec. 9 at 6 p.m.

“We’ll have the disaster then after that, you all will stay and get our books up to order,” said Moran.

City Superintendent Brett Ashburn noted the City Hall carpets have been cleaned and he requested a committee meeting to discuss future pricing and trash collection issues. The meeting is set for Dec. 16 starting at 6 p.m.

Alderman Gary Norris acknowledged efforts of the Fairbury Improvement Group. Upcoming projects include repairing the sign at Old City Hall and painting street sign poles. Other groups in the community are becoming involved with improvement work, such as high school seniors and 4-H clubs.

“We are pretty lucky, I think, as a community to have such a group,” Norris stated.

City Hall holiday hours for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve were approved by the council. Generally, these have been whole days but the latest proposal involves making them half days until noon.

“It’s not adding a holiday,” explained Mayor David Slagel.

In another matter, council members approved quotes to connect several properties to the city sewer system, pending signed agreements from residents.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, local citizen Becky Webster asked when the sewer project would actually start. She expressed concerns over having 10 days to make a decision.

“That sounds like pressure to me,” said Webster.

Webster told the council she would have to talk with the other homeowners involved to coordinate a meeting time with the city.

The Fairbury City Council also:

-Hired Alex Evelsizer-Tarter, the recommended applicant for the Utility Billing Clerk position.

-Approved paying out accrued sick days to qualifying employees.

-Renewed employee health insurance with Health Alliance for 2020.

-Amended Chapter 8 of the Municipal Code Book in relation to liquor and tobacco.

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