Following annual reports from the transportation and food services departments, the Prairie Central Board of Education received updates on grants and legislation from Superintendent Paula Crane during the regular July meeting.
The district has not yet learned how much evidence-based funding money it will receive for Fiscal Year 20, but additional money was allocated to help pay mandated categoricals, including transportation. Crane said the district will receive $295,935 in Title I money; $53,233 in Title II money; $19,879 in Title IV money and $230,270 in Preschool for All money.
Crane reported progress continues on the high school secure office project and maintenance projects are moving along, such as work on special education space at the high school and the installation of air conditioning in the junior high band room. Also, the buried tank on the old Meadowbrook property has been sealed for safety purposes until it can be properly removed.
Updates to Huey the school mascot were also discussed. A committee meeting was held recently with more than 20 individuals present to seek information on how Huey could be updated. The consensus was that Huey is well liked and should not be changed to an “unrecognizable state.” A few minor updates are desired along with the adoption of a district logo.
Under old business, the school board reviewed possible Fiscal Year 20 goals with the approval coming in August and a tentative budget was presented which will be available for viewing in the Unit Office. The budget will be adopted in September. In new business, the group received an overview of the Prairie Central mentoring program which begins with the new school year.
Following an executive session, the board:
· Accepted the resignation of Sonia Gradberg, 7th grade girls basketball coach, effective the end of the 2018-19 school year.
· Accepted the resignation of Sandy Ropp, 8th grade volleyball coach, effective the end of the 2018-19 school year.
· Accepted the resignation of Scott Saffer, Junior High science teacher, effective the end of the 2018-19 school year.
· Accepted the resignation of Brenda Mingee, High School special education teacher, effective the end of the 2018-19 school year.
· Appointed Kim Retter, transportation secretary, beginning the 2019-20 school year.
· Appointed Scott Hannagan, Junior High science teacher, beginning the 2019-20 school year.